Training levels
In the workshop and training programmes, you can have different roles. You can ...
... be the participant and learn about FAIR data
As a GO FAIR Foundation Three-Point FAIRification Framework (3PFF) workshop participant (e.g. researchers and/or data stewards) you gain the skills and know-how to routinely and cost-effectively FAIRifiy data within your organisation and beyond.
Please contact us in case you are interested in one of the following workshops:
FAIR Awareness
FAIR Implementation Profile
Metadata for Machines
... be the facilitator and teach others
As a GO FAIR Foundation Qualified 3PFF facilitator, you are empowered to lead the following events:
FAIR Awareness event
FIP workshops
Introductory Metadata for Machines workshops
Please contact us in case you
have any further questions.
... be the trainer and train the teachers
As a GO FAIR Foundation Qualified 3PFF trainer, you gain the skills to train 3PFF Facilitators.
Please contact us if you would like to become a Trainer.
FAIR Capacity Building Programme
With instruction, the skill sets and the accumulated experience gained from 3PFF workshops can be transferred, and locally embedded within organisations. This guarantees that researchers and other data creators have routine and cost-effective access to efficient institutional-based FAIRification options. The GO FAIR Foundation has therefore developed a FAIR Capacity Building Programme, to provide professional and qualified training for data stewards who aspire to use 3PFF methods in their daily work and conduct qualified 3PFF workshops themselves.
The FAIR Capacity Building Programme is designed to save costs and increase independence by locally embedding know-how in the organisation. The end goal is to make all data intensive organisations FAIR.
The Programme distinguishes between Workshop facilitators and Workshop trainers, complete with their own learning objectives and evaluation criteria.
Trainees who complete the 3PFF Facilitator Training or the 3PFF Trainer Training Module will be qualified by the GO FAIR Foundation. On the Qualification page you will find these qualified facilitators.
GFF Workshops
All workshops and trainings are build up around the GO FAIR Foundation's Three-Point FAIRification Framework (3PFF) that allows you to fully understand and implement data and services according to the FAIR Principles.
By participating in the 3PFF workshops you can gain skills and know-how to FAIRifiy data.
Workshop options for participants are listed on this page.
More advanced training programmes for those who wish to facilitate workshops, and to train facilitators are described under the FAIR Capacity Building Programme.
Workshops for participants
FAIR Awareness workshop
This workshop is intended to give an overview of the FAIR Principles, and current trends in how they are being implemented.
3PFF FIP Workshop (FAIR Implementation Profile)
This workshop provides the background and tooling to help you make a FAIR Implementation Profile with your community.
3PFF M4M Workshop (Metadata for Machines)
This workshop provides the background and tooling to help you make community-specific FAIR metadata.
3PFF FO Workshop (FAIR Orchestration)
This workshop provides the background and tooling to help you make data and metadata available to FAIR services.
The Three-Point FAIRification Framework (3PFF) provides practical “how to” guidance to stakeholders seeking to “go FAIR”. The principle goal of the 3PFF is to maximize reuse of existing resources, optimize interoperability, and accelerate convergence on standards and technologies supporting FAIR data and services.
As the name suggests, the 3PFF focuses attention on 3 key decision points in FAIRification:
[FIP] FAIR Implementation Profile: Typically, the FAIRification process begins when a community of practice assesses its FAIR maturity level and considers its FAIR improvement options. This process can be guided by composing a FAIR Implementation Profile.
[M4M] Machine Actionable Metadata: Given the fundamental role played by machine-actionable metadata in FAIR, a community of practice may need to focus additional considerations on its domain-relevant metadata requirements and other data policies. These efforts can be guided in Metadata for Machines (M4M) workshops.
[FO] FAIR Orchestration: Operations supporting F, A, I, and R of data and metadata require configuration of infrastructure components such as use of FAIR Data Points or FAIR Digital Objects. FAIR Orchestration (FO) Workshops supporting informed choices around the orchestration of FAIR infrastructure lead to optimal contributions to a global Internet of FAIR Data and Services.