GO FAIR Foundations's 3PFF Workshops
All workshops and trainings are build up around the GO FAIR Foundation's Three-Point FAIRification Framework (3PFF) that allows you to fully understand and implement data and services according to the FAIR Principles.
FAIR Awareness events and 3PFF Workshops provide groups with rigorous, time-efficient, and cost-effective introductions to the FAIR Principles, and practical hands-on FAIRification experience. Flexible workshop formats can be configured to fit local needs. By participating in the 3PFF workshops you can gain skills and know-how to FAIRifiy data.
Workshop options for groups are listed below.
More advanced training programmes for those who wish to facilitate workshops, and to train facilitators are described under Training and the FAIR Capacity Building Programme.
FAIR Capacity Building Programme
With instruction, the road-tested skill sets and the accumulated experience gained in delivering 3PFF workshops can be transferred and locally embedded within organizations. This guarantees that researchers, data stewards and other data creators have routine and cost-effective access to efficient institutional-based FAIRification options.
The GFF has therefore developed a FAIR Capacity Building Programme, to provide extended, professional and qualified training for data stewards who aspire to use 3PFF methods in their daily work and to conduct qualified 3PFF workshops as they see fit. The FAIR Capacity Building Programme is designed to save costs and increase independence by locally embedding know-how in the organization. The Programme distinguishes between 3PFF Implementers, workshop Facilitators and 3PFF Trainers . These three roles have their own learning objectives, evaluation criteria, and qualifications each with their own training module.
The FAIR Capacity Building Programme is based on lectures, discussions, and exercises, using open source tools and proven methods. It begins with the FAIR Awareness unit (20 hours) that covers the theoretical and historical background of FAIR and provides up-to-date information on current trends in FAIR technology. The FAIR Awareness unit provides a solid foundation for the 3 training modules of the GFF Capacity Building Programme.
Our 3 training modules

Implementer module
After completing the FAIR Awareness unit, the trainee can choose paths leading to FIP and/or M4M Implementer Qualification. As Implementer, the trainee will have gained the competencies to build and maintain domain-relevant community-specific FIPs and/or metadata resources. The trainee can put these skills to use as part of a cost-effective and professional approach to FAIR data stewardship within their organization. The FIP Implementer Qualification consists of a single training unit (40 hours) while the M4M Implementer Qualification consists of three mandatory units including training on schema and vocabulary development as well as FAIR orchestration (60 hours). Optional units covering advanced and trending metadata topics will also be offered (for additional costs) depending on demand. Taken together, these two Implementer Qualifications will ensure that trainees have a complete FAIR skill set and are competent to perform rigorous FAIR implementation.
Facilitator module
Within any organization, there may be ongoing need to conduct 3PFF events. The Qualified FIP/M4M Implementer can be taught how to professionally facilitate 3PFF workshops by assisting in real-world, 3PFF workshops. The Facilitator module consists of two assistance units where the trainee learns how to run workshops by apprenticing with qualified and experienced 3PFF workshop Trainers. After dedicating 20 hours of successful apprenticeship assisting FIP and/or M4M workshops, the FIP/M4M Implementer becomes a Qualified FIP/M4M Facilitator and can now run Qualified 3PFF workshops independently. Qualified FIP/M4M Implementers are welcomed to voluntarily enter into the assistance units in ongoing 3PFF workshops without additional costs.
Trainer module
In some cases the long-term demand for FAIRification may begin to exceed the in-house capacity to deliver. Furthermore, over time qualified personnel will likely move on to other appointments. In these cases, it may be cost-effective to train additional FIP/M4M Implementers and Facilitators within the organization in a “train-the-trainer” capacity. In the Training module, Qualified FIP/M4M Facilitators who have accumulated sufficient experience delivering FAIR Awareness events and FIP and M4M workshops can debrief and receive assessment on the quality of their documented workshop facilitation. Trainees will also receive personalized coaching to help spot, and resolve any knowledge gaps and to gain deeper insights into workshop pedagogy. This personalized, one-on-one evaluation and coaching is estimated to take 10 to 20 hours depending on the trainee’s acquired skills and experience. The result is Qualification as a 3PFF Trainer, who is then competent to provide instruction to and assessment of trainees in the Implementer module and to take on apprentices of their own in the Facilitator module. As with the Facilitator module, entering into the Trainer module is voluntary.
Training module details
More details on the training can be found in the figure below as well as in the appendix of this document.

The GO FAIR Foundation’s FAIR Capacity Building Programme is based on the Three-Point FAIRification Framework. Trainees who aspire to implement FAIR data, to facilitate 3PFF events or to train others can follow the desired modules. At each stage, trainees receive the GFF Qualifications which are issued in the form of machine-readable nanograph-based FAIR Digital Objects.