a community based approach to FAIR standards

Qualifying FAIR
The GO FAIR Foundation has been asked by numerous sectors to provide qualification criteria for FAIR supporting resources which may eventually lead to certification. This request has come from a broad range of stakeholders and concerns the widely perceived need for independent third-party criteria and validation of resources with respect to the FAIR Principles, technical components, domain-relevant standards, FAIR-related training, FAIR implementation events, people and organizations that aspire to FAIR practices. It is believed that FAIR qualification, when appropriately applied, can be a powerful accelerator of convergence onto wide-spread FAIR implementations.

Qualified Facilitators
The GO FAIR Foundation has developed a FAIR Capacity Building Programme to provide professional and qualified training to data stewards who aspire to use Three-Point FAIRification Framework (3PFF) methods in their daily work and to conduct qualified 3PFF events themselves. You can read more on the Three-Point FAIRification Framework on the Training page.
The Programme distinguishes between Facilitators and Trainers. Each have their own learning objectives and evaluation criteria. Below are the trainees who have completed the 3PFF Facilitator Training Module, and have been qualified by the GO FAIR Foundation as 3PFF Facilitators.